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South Africa, Business
He is widely recognised as a successful businessman and respected politician who took part in the struggle against apartheid and...
He is a Somali educator, civil and political rights activist and politician, and was elected President of Somalia on 10...
Aadan is a Somali politician. He is a former Finance Minister of Somalia, and the current Speaker of the Transitional...
Abdiweli Mohamed Ali was appointed Prime Minister of Somalia on June 23, 2011, and received an overwhelming victory.
Ahmed is the ninth president of Somalia and former commander in chief of the Islamic Courts Union-a previously militaristic organization.
United Kingdom
Tony Blair is the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom who is well-known for his Tony Blair Faith Foundation.
Media, South Africa, Zimbabwe
Passionate Journalist & Writer of All Things Beautiful, Political Analyst With Undying Love for Good Music And Good People.