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Nigeria, Soups, Snacks and Appetizers
Soak peas in cool water for 10-20 minutes. Then, with your hands in the water, rub peas between your palms...
Beverages, Morocco
It's easiest to make this drink in a blender or food processor. Grind almonds and half the sugar to a...
Morocco, Vegetarian
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Quarter the cabbage and boil it for 5 minutes. Drain, and put the pieces into...
Cape Verde, Desserts
Combine flour, sugar and salt in a mixing bowl. With your fingertips, work the butter into the flour mixture until...
Fruits or vegetables fried in deep fat are popular all over the African continent, as they traditionally have been in...
Burundi, Vegetarian
Boiled plantains make an easy-to-prepare base for meat or vegetable stews. Because of the amount of agricultural chemicals used in...
Chicken, Morocco
In a pot that has a tight-fitting lid, braise the chicken and one of the onions in butter. Cover with...
Chicken, Morocco
You must plan the dish far enough ahead of time to have the pickled lemons ready.
Morocco, Chicken
This elegant dish always gets an enthusiastic reception and is a good choice for serving guests.
Nigeria, Desserts
In a large mixing bowl, cream the butter and sugar by beating vigoursly with a sturdy spoon or a large...